
white leaf blight Learn more about white leaf blight

  • Confused spot blight, stem withered, green withered, withered. What does it have to do with all kinds of withering?

    Confused spot blight, stem withered, green withered, withered. What does it have to do with all kinds of withering?

    Spot blight, leaf blight, stem blight, vine blight, standing blight, green blight, wilt. Seeing so many "blight" diseases, do you feel that your brain has been confused? Moreover, many diseases are similar to each other in terms of symptoms. For example.

  • Specific drug for rice bacterial blight

    Specific drug for rice bacterial blight

    Rice bacterial blight (Xanthomonas oryzae) is a major disease of rice, which affects the yield of rice very much. What are the specific drugs for rice bacterial blight? 1. The specific drug of rice bacterial blight can use thiazolyl zinc, thiamidone, thiobacillus copper and basic sulfur.

    2020-11-08 Rice white leaf blight disease specific medicine rice yes.
  • How to prevent and cure the latest green onion white blight?

    How to prevent and cure the latest green onion white blight?

    The white blight of scallions is a fungal disease, which overwinters mainly as chlamydospores in the soil, produces sporangia in the next spring and spreads by irrigation water or wind and rain, and the newly produced spores on the disease spot and the surface zoospores are transmitted by raindrop sputtering. seedling stage, adult stage

    2020-11-10 The latest green onions white blight how control
  • Introduction to the causes, symptoms and control methods of garlic leaf blight

    Introduction to the causes, symptoms and control methods of garlic leaf blight

    Garlic leaf blight is a common disease in the process of garlic planting, especially in the open field, which is a nightmare for growers. Because garlic leaf blight will not only lead to poor quality of garlic, but also reduce production. Let's take a look at the withered leaves of garlic.

    2020-11-08 Garlic leaf blight disease causes symptoms prevention methods introduction
  • A specific drug for muskmelon leaf blight

    A specific drug for muskmelon leaf blight

    Melon is a common fruit. It is the earliest melon used as a fruit in China. The leaves are thick, papery, rough and white hispid. Muskmelon leaf blight is one of the main diseases. So, what is the specific medicine for melon leaf blight? Melon leaf blight

    2020-11-09 Melon leaf blight disease specific medicine melon is common a kind of
  • How to prevent and cure the white blight of green onions?

    How to prevent and cure the white blight of green onions?

    How to prevent and cure the white blight of green onions?

  • How to control rice sheath blight?

    How to control rice sheath blight?

    What is the harm of rice sheath blight? How to control rice sheath blight? Netizens are also asked to help introduce the harm of rice sheath blight into leaf sheath disease, leaf disease and stem disease, which are described in detail as follows. Leaf sheath disease: dark green water-immersed edge blurred spots appear near the water surface, and then gradually expand into an oval or.

  • What about the spots on the leaves of the rich tree? what about leaf blight?

    What about the spots on the leaves of the rich tree? what about leaf blight?

    Make a fortune tree, this is a lot of people are super like, this name is not super auspicious, to see how to make a fortune tree with long leaf spots? What about the leaf blight of the rich tree: what about the long spots on the leaves of the rich tree: the leaf spot is easy to distinguish, and dark brown or brown spots grow on the leaves at the beginning.

  • Garlic planting techniques: how to control garlic leaf blight?

    Garlic planting techniques: how to control garlic leaf blight?

    How to prevent and cure garlic leaf blight? Please give an introduction to garlic leaf blight and control methods for reference: first, symptoms: mainly harmful leaves or pedicels. Leaf infection often begins at the tip of the leaf or other parts of the leaf, showing an irregular or oval gray-white or grayish-brown spot after enlargement of the flower-white dot.

  • How to control potato late blight?

    How to control potato late blight?

    What are the hazards of potato late blight? Is there any way to prevent it? Also ask netizens to help guide the farming network to sort out the harm and control methods of potato late blight, which are listed below for netizens' reference. The harm of potato late blight: the late blight spreads quickly and the damaged stems and leaves rot quickly.

  • Integrated control of garlic leaf blight

    Integrated control of garlic leaf blight

    Garlic Allium sativum L. (Garlic) belongs to the genus Allium of Liliaceae, which is used in medicine with bulbs. Harvest in spring and summer, tie the handle, hang in the ventilated place, dry in the shade and set aside. When the leaves are withered in June, remove the sediment, ventilate and dry or bake until the outer skin is dry. Garlic is oblate or short conical.

    2020-11-08 Garlic leaf blight disease integrated control garlic Allium sativu
  • Characteristics and control of leaf blight

    Characteristics and control of leaf blight

    Characteristics and control of leaf blight

  • How to control leaf blight of potted white orchids?

    How to control leaf blight of potted white orchids?

    How to control leaf blight of potted white orchids?

  • What is rice sheath blight?

    What is rice sheath blight?

    What is rice sheath blight? What are the hazards of rice sheath blight? Also ask friends to help introduce the harm of rice sheath blight: Rice sheath blight is also known as moire disease. The disease can occur from seedling stage to panicle stage. Leaf sheath infection produces dark green water-immersed edge blurred spots near the surface, and then gradually expands into an oval or cloud.

  • Guard against the occurrence of rice sheath blight under high temperature and humidity

    Guard against the occurrence of rice sheath blight under high temperature and humidity

    Sheath blight, also known as sheath blight, rice sheath blight has a great impact on its growth and development, not only weakening the absorption capacity of roots, but also affecting leaf photosynthesis, resulting in an increase in empty chaff grains, a decrease in 1000-grain weight and a decrease in yield. Therefore, attention should be paid to the prevention and control of sheath blight in production. The main symptoms, occurrence characteristics and control methods of this disease are introduced below for reference. The main symptoms of rice leaf sheath infection produce dark green water-immersed spots with blurred edges near the surface of the water, then expand in oval or moire shape, and grayish green in the middle.

  • How to control diseases and insect pests such as flower leaf withering, white powder, root rot and so on?

    How to control diseases and insect pests such as flower leaf withering, white powder, root rot and so on?

    How to control diseases and insect pests such as flower leaf withering, white powder, root rot and so on?

  • Tomato late blight

    Tomato late blight

    Tomato late blight, which is called persimmon blight by vegetable farmers, is a destructive disease of tomato. -symptom recognition can occur in both seedling and adult stage. When the seedlings fell ill, the leaves appeared dark green flooding spots, which quickly expanded to the petiole and stem, making it thinner and dark brown, causing the whole plant to wilt or fold. When the humidity is high, the disease department.

  • Prevention and control of onion blight in summer

    Prevention and control of onion blight in summer

    In the rainy season of high temperature and humidity in spring and summer, epidemic onion blight is easy to break out, resulting in wilting and even decay of onion leaves, resulting in serious losses, so it is necessary to do a good job in prevention and control. In the rainy season with high temperature and humidity in summer, it is easy to break out epidemic onion blight, which can make the originally green red onions become macular in a few days, then turn white, the onion leaves droop, and even rot, causing serious losses. Onion blight mainly harms onion leaves and pedicels. Green and white disease spots appear at the initial stage of onion leaf infection, and after enlargement, they become gray and white spots along the

  • Specific medicine for garlic leaf blight

    Specific medicine for garlic leaf blight

    In garlic planting, due to bacterial infection, excessive precipitation and other factors, white to grayish brown dots or stripe disease spots will appear on garlic leaves, affecting the normal growth of garlic and, in serious cases, causing garlic to die. This is the symptom of garlic leaf blight. Garlic

    2020-11-09 Garlic leaf blight specific medicine in garlic planting due to
  • Identification of common confounding symptoms in rice

    Identification of common confounding symptoms in rice

    1. Several kinds of Ralstonia solanacearum 1. Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. It is more common in the late stage of late rice, which often occurs in clumps in the field, and there are several plants in a hole. The tissue at the base of rice is soft rotten and has dark brown spots. Peeling off the basal leaf sheath and stem, we can see that there are many black sclerotia smaller than amaranth seeds. 2. Bacterial base rot and wilt. Sporadic occurrence in the field, generally 1 in 1 point, 3 plants fell ill, the base of the diseased plant showed rat gray rot, the root system was rare and decayed, peeled off the basal stem, full of smelly water, sterile sclerotia. 3. Physiologically withered. The stem of rice plant shrinks and the base of rice stem is pinched by hand.
